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Gravy Baby

Nov 26, 2019

Today we are going by very special guest Corey Ryan Foster - a man who is no stranger to addiction and abject pain. We take some phone calls and dive headfirst into the darkness with the CHO himself. We are also joined by comedienne/wrestler Big D who tells us what it takes to make it in not one but two traditionally...

Nov 19, 2019

DreDre Dogwalker joins Dollar Store Drew Morgan and DJ DJ Lewis to talk about cults, running away, and generally being rad. This episode is 17% Native American. 

Nov 12, 2019

Today we lighten the mood slightly by diving into our Vault on High - stoned conversations between DJ and Drew. We get into weaponized ticks, dolphin love, and nature of conspiracies in general. Today's episode is sponsored by Amazon. Amazon: own the world.