Jul 27, 2022
DJ has some wild tales from his time in Hollywood land. Today we cover some of the weirder ones, including the time he flipped out about some thirsty horses in front of Anthony Hopkins.
Jul 21, 2022
Jul 14, 2022
What an episode we have today. Fresh off an LA show stacked with famous comedians Drew recounts how the last comedian lost the whole crowd in an epic screw up that he's never seen anything like. Plus the boys discuss January 6th and patreon guest Leanne drops some absolute gems of wisdom while talking about living...
Jul 7, 2022
We ended up talking a lot about comedy but also the powerful position of being in control while playing the victim. Also we discuss that time Brian Regan came to one of our shows and seriously folks why are you missing us live? Why?
Jul 1, 2022
Hey look it's all in the title. What more could want? Why are you still reading? At this point you're really just torturing yourself I mean just listen to it. It's Drew, DJ, Nessy, and the things in the title. IDK even why we have descriptions. It's a podcast. We talk. It's all futile.