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Gravy Baby

Jul 28, 2020

DJ DJ Lewis is back and he's talkin mad cr*p about the customers of the local Dollar General. The Abiscuit welcomes our favorite creek pirate with open arms, and he regals us with tales of lies, betrayals, backstabs, and deals on a Garth Brooks collection we are all missing from our lives. It is a fun one folks. 

Jul 21, 2020

Dollar Store Drew Morgan is joined this week by the one and only Slobberhose. We chat about politics, hope, mutual aid, and direct action. 

Is there any good reason to be positive right now? Well, we think there is, but it ain't all roses. Speaking of Rosies, the drunk nurse is back. 

Jul 14, 2020

DJ DJ Lewis is always in the woods metaphorically, but this week he's literally there, camping. So we get Andi to join Drew for an in depth discussion on how much love can suck.

Just kidding. Kinda. This podcast covers the dark thoughts we all have and the issues surrounding them - mental health, tragedy, death, pain,...

Jul 7, 2020

DJ DJ Lewis is a lot of things - a comedian. A writer. A felon. But he's also a damn philosopher with some big ideas about how we should handle crime. And by that, we mean that, even for him, this is an insane episode and you're gonna love it! "Why is murder even illegal," he wonders. Does Dollar Store Drew Morgan have...